Northcote Ski Tow Fire

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Kunama Huette and Northcote Ski Tow

The photo shows Kunama Huette (left) and the Northcote Ski Tow and Tow Hut in the middle of the Kunama basin.

Kunama Huette and Northcote Ski Tow

The photo shows Kunama Huette (left) and the Northcote Ski Tow and Tow Hut in the middle of the Kunama basin.

Northcote Ski Tow and Tow Hut

The Northcote Ski Tow ran straight up Mt Northcote but stopped a little short of the peak because of the large cornice which tended to collapse. The Northcote Ski Tow Hut, at the foot of the tow, had 4 beds on the ground floor and the ski tow engine in the second storey so as to ensure its operation in heavy snow.

Northcote Ski Tow and Tow Hut

The Northcote Ski Tow ran straight up Mt Northcote but stopped a little short of the peak because of the large cornice which tended to collapse. The Northcote Ski Tow Hut, at the foot of the tow, had 4 beds on the ground floor and the ski tow engine in the second storey so as to ensure its operation in heavy snow.

Northcote Tow and Tow Hut from above

Northcote Tow and Tow Hut from above

Fire in the Northcote Ski Tow Hut

On 2 August, 1956, three weeks after the Kunama avalanche, a fire broke out in the tow hut. As the water line from the dam had frozen, the hut was dependent on melted snow for water. Fire extinguishers failed to put out the fire and the hut burnt to the ground.

Fire in the Northcote Ski Tow Hut

On 2 August, 1956, three weeks after the Kunama avalanche, a fire broke out in the tow hut. As the water line from the dam had frozen, the hut was dependent on melted snow for water. Fire extinguishers failed to put out the fire and the hut burnt to the ground.

Crackenback Ski Club members

The Northcote Ski Tow and Tow Hut could not be rebuilt so members of the newly-formed Crackenback Ski Club took all the stanchions and cables to Thredbo and built the first ski tow (a rope tow) at Thredbo in 1957.

Crackenback Ski Club members

The Northcote Ski Tow and Tow Hut could not be rebuilt so members of the newly-formed Crackenback Ski Club took all the stanchions and cables to Thredbo and built the first ski tow (a rope tow) at Thredbo in 1957.

The first ski tow at Thredbo

The first ski tow at Thredbo was a rope tow, built by the members of Crackenback Ski Club in 1957, and used the stanchions and engine from the destroyed Northcote rope tow. This tow preceded the first chairlift in Thredbo by one year.

The first ski tow at Thredbo

The first ski tow at Thredbo was a rope tow, built by the members of Crackenback Ski Club in 1957, and used the stanchions and engine from the destroyed Northcote rope tow. This tow preceded the first chairlift in Thredbo by one year.